National Journal
2024 Publications - Volume 1 - Issue 2

Airo National Research Journal ISSN 2321-3914


An Analysis of feminist approaches in Shakespeare’s comedies with focus to As You Like It, Twelfth Night

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Month Of Publication

Feburary 2024


Shakespeare possessed a superb insight into human psychology and daily life. Every age and nation's population shares certain intimate aspects of psychoanalysis, soul-scanning, and primal human desires. He was a playwright who was always true to nature. In his plays, we see that man must act in accordance with the situation and that he does so in accordance with what fate has permitted. He paid special attention to human passions and emotions, which continuously alluded to the work of deadly forces that hovered all around us and condemned us, poor creatures, to death. He uses the human battle to represent the eternal struggle between good and evil. Thus, his characters take on a larger-than-life quality as heroic figures against evil forces. In this article, an analysis of feminist approaches in Shakespeare’s comedies with focus to As You Like It, Twelfth Night has been discussed